Wednesday 1 April 2009

Me doesnt like the Horde

Jezryah at When Enraged has a post up about how she doesn't like humans, namely how she hates that jerk Varian Wrynn. She seems to present, in my opinion, a very biased image of the human-Horde relations, so here's my point of view.
We have very good reasons to not like the Horde.
1. Orcs invaded our fucking planet, rvaged our lands and came pretty close to obliterating us. Stormwind was raaged by them, the humas decimated and arian's own wife killed.What reasons would we have to like them? Because they say they are peaceful now?
That is kinda hard to believe since attcks on the Alliance are continuing. Either Thall is a shit leader who can't control his own people, OR the peace is just talk.
2. The Horde allies with evil races. The Forsake kept human prisonersin ndercityon whom they tested their Blight. Which Blight was created to kill the scourge AND the living, as in everyone but the Forsaken. Putress migth have betrayed Sylvanas to Varimathras ( and I bet il'Jaedenis behind that) but Sylvanas knew about the blight. And if Thall didnt know... again, then he is shit leader.
The Blood Elves are evil as well, feeding on the demonic magic ( what do you think is in the green chrystals in Eversong Woods?)
3. Thrall's own clan the Frostwolf are constantly battling against the Alliance. How can anyone trust Thrall that he wants peace?
Furthermore, she adds that Draenei hae no place on Azeroth. NEWSFLASH : neither do the orcs. oth races are alien. ne is a destructive warior race, one is a peaceful one.Go figure.

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