Thursday 26 March 2009

wtf? I got tagged?

What is your name and where did it come from?

Zalmeeth Stoneheart. I'm half dwarven. I get my magical abilities from the human sideof the family and the stubbornness from the darven side.

How old are you and what is your birthday?

I am 27 years old and my birthday falls one week after midsummer.

Are you in love and with whom?
Not telling.

What is your favorite mount and why?

My hawkstrider, It was an unwillin gift frm Prince Kael'Thas. Only I had to kill him first.

Do you have a preferred type of Azerothian meal and where do you get it from?

I have a fondness for shoveltusk steaks :D

You know those giant mushrooms in Zangermarsh?

ZanGArmarsh, FFS!!!!!!!!!!

If you saw the Lich King walking toward you, what would you do?
Stare in awe. The Lich King is awesome ( and the only guy who can possibly defeat the Burning Legion). Maybe flirt. he's kinda hot.

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